“Showing up and continuing to try is what it’s all about!”
Reason for Joining:
I discovered CrossFit Strength Haven when I moved to a new part of town. I'd never really done CrossFit but I decided to give it a try. I was very nervous walking for the first time because "CrossFit" has a stigma that everyone is very intense but I soon realized the gym has a “family” feel and it didn’t take me long to start opening up. Doing events at the gym and the coaches opening up to me made me very comfortable.
Enjoy About Membership:
Crossfit has forced me to embrace "the suck"! Some workouts are harder than others but it forces me to do lifts/exercises I would never do otherwise. I apply the mental aspects I gained from CrossFit in life by knowing whatever is happening negatively that there is always an end. When those super hard workouts happen you know it's only a short duration and you'll feel better after. I apply that to my life now.
Learn About Yourself:
The people at the gym are what keeps me coming back day after day. Literally...being able to walk in and laugh with friends, workout together, people asking how I’m doing and having a workout space that is more than just a workout.
Advice to Prospect:
For anyone who is nervous to start CrossFit I would tell them I was the same way but there are always other lifts or modifications that they can do if they can't do what’s programmed for that day. I’d also say that you don't have to be the best at anything; showing up and continuing to try is what it's all about!
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